D. Maria


Sunday, August 28, 2005

Prayer for America 08/28/05

Godspeed Gennaro

God, as Americans, help us be aware of and respect other people and other nations. It is easy to focus only on ourselves and to forget that we are only one part of a larger world. Don't let us become self-serving and prideful. Don't let us fall into the trap of superiority. Help us realize that the rest of the world does not need to be like us.

America represents so much that is good--freedom, liberty, creativity, and individuality. Help us realize, however, that other countries and other people also represent many good things. Help us respect other lands, not look down on them. Help us be thankful for our national identity without thinking we must transfer it onto all other nations. Help us not to become a self-centered people incapable of seeing the world beyond our borders. Amen.