D. Maria


Thursday, November 02, 2006

For shame, John Kerry

If you still needed a reason to go out and vote on November the 7th... here it is!

John Kerry said this:

Then click here to see his "non-apology" meltdown!

F him!

President Bush's response to Kerry:

I borrowed this from Aflack; thanks buddy.

This is what he calls his Band of Brothers! Yet shortly thereafter he was exposed by a small group of Vietnam Veterans who served with him. This small group would soon become known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth!

Here is what they exposed about John Kerry!

Most Compelling to me were the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth Videos! I can go on and on about him but my words don't compare to those who served with him or spent years in North Vietnamese Prison Camps!

Here are those disturbing videos!

John Kerrys First Purple Heart

Chrismas In Cambodia

No Man Left Behind Pt 1

The San Pan Coverup

No Man Left Behind Pt 2

WHY? Swift Boat and POW's For truth Question John Kerrys Motives

They Served