D. Maria


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Gathering of Eagles: We Need You! Every One of You!

Do you support the mission in the war against Islamic Totalitarianism? Do you support the men and women fighting in the war effort? Well, what are you DOING to SHOW that support?

A great way to show the men and women fighting the war effort, as well as the U.S. Government, the treasonous "mainstream" media AND the entire world who will report and broadcast the event, is to go stand with fellow Patriots at the GATHERING OF EAGLES on March 17th in Washington, D.C.

Save the money. Take that vacation time from work. Make the trip. Your country needs you. Your military needs you. Your enemies need to know you are standing up against them and WILL NOT SUBMIT to terrorism.

If that did not convince you, here is Vietnam Veteran Vernon E. Brewer II.

Via Gathering of Eagles: A Paratrooper's Opinion On The Gathering of Eagles

Dear America:

I have seen Vietnam Veterans and their family's gather at Rolling Thunder by the hundreds of thousands… at Melbourne, Florida for the kickoff of the year's Vietnam Veteran reunions... at a thousand small towns in between both coasts for a day of festivities and unabashed patriotism ... at Kokomo Indiana for the last, all Veteran's reunion of the year.

I have ridden coast to coast and found literally thousands of Vet groups all working independently of each other, but all working towards a common goal; the betterment of the Veteran's lot and the betterment of The USA. There were almost 500,000 bikes at last years Rolling Thunder, and easily and over a hundred thousand vets at many other, separate reunions.

This GATHERING OF EAGLES transcends all those reunions in importance; as we are not only going to protect the Memorials and to honor our dead as we gather; but to boost the morale of our troops engaged in battle with an enemy who has attacked our shores, who has been attacking us since any of us can remember by blowing up our embassies, knocking our planes from the skies, killing our Marines in their sleep, murdering our sailors at chow while their ship sat at anchor.

We are at a point in our history where the danger to our democracy has NEVER been greater or more visible.

Our troops hear the protesters because the left leaning Mass Media WANTS them to hear only that side of America. And they do hear it.

And they are aware of this coming "GATHERING OF EAGLES". Very aware.

They, our Marines, Army, Air Force and Navy engaging the enemy in both Afghanistan and Iraq will be watching to see ... "How many?" How many Americans support them? They will be watching ... and they must not be disappointed.

This is one of the most important gatherings in America's history. Every bit as important as how many of those Revolutionary War Soldiers braved the winter to win this country its Freedom. Every bit as important as those millions of citizens who rationed everything they had; lived without butter, tires, worked 12 hour shifts, gave up their pots and pans so America might have a better chance to win WWII.

This sacrifice of ours is only of time. We will not be huddled freezing around tiny camp fires with rags for shoes, no one has to go without so our troops might have the equipment they need to carry the battle.

We need you! Every one of you!

We need you to spread the word, and to come to Washington, DC. To be there at the Wall on March 17th; not only to make certain the hard core anarchists among the protesters do not deface any memorial, but to send a message to our troops in harm's way.

A message they will be listening and watching for.

It is up to each of us to look inside ourselves and ask ... "Is this worth it?"

The only possible answer you can arrive at is that is not only very much worth it; it is IMPERATIVE that you go.

The sound of a hundred thousand flags being held aloft in dignity and HONOR will be deafening in its wonderful silence ... a silence heard all around this world. This Gathering of Eagles will come to be known as the "Woodstock" of Patriotism.

Those of you on the fence as if you can go or not, I say to you now; Please, you must go! There will most likely never be a more important event in our lifetime. We need you to stand together with us on the 17th of March or the Jane Fondas, the CODE PINKS and Stalinist Worker's Party of this country will claim victory.

And our troops today will feel that day what we felt in the Jungles of Vietnam, even as we fought the biggest battle of the Cold War.

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Vernon E Brewer II
A/4th Bat/503d Abn Inf
173d Airborne Brigade(SEP)
Vietnam 68/69