D. Maria


Friday, March 02, 2007

The Gathering of Eagles: A public service announcement

By Michelle Malkin ยท February 28, 2007 10:19 AM

How many times have you sat in front of the TV over the last four years, watching anti-war activists march on Washington, chase the ROTC off your local college campus, vandalize war memorials, insult the troops and wreak havoc under the surrender banner?

How many times have you thought to yourself: What can I do?

Here is the answer: Get off the sofa and join the Gathering of Eagles on March 17 in Washington, D.C.

On that day, well-funded, celebrity-studded anti-war groups plan to march to the Pentagon on a protest route that will take them past the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and climax in calls for immediate withdrawal of our troops from Iraq, destruction of America's "global military machine," shutdown of the enemy-detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay and impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney (plus an end to "colonial occupation" in "Palestine, Haiti and everywhere" for good measure).

Last time the left-wing, peace-loving fun bunch came to town, their minions gone wild threw rocks at a military recruitment office in D.C's Dupont Circle neighborhood and at a local Fox News van, broke through a Capitol Hill police security cordon, spray painted the Capitol Grounds with impunity, desecrated the Lone Sailor statue that stands watch at the U.S. Navy Memorial and reportedly spat at disabled Iraq war veteran Josh Sparling as he voiced his support for his fellow troops.

Tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators were at that event last month. How many showed up with Sparling to counter the far Left? Forty.

Now, imagine our troops getting word of that count. They're walking the talk, committed to the long, hard mission of counterinsurgency in Iraq and abroad, risking life and limb - and only 40 of their fellow Americans bothered to represent them in the nation's capital?

Don't get mad. Get moving.

March 17, 2007
7 AM to 4 PM
The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall, Washington D.C.

For West Coast readers, check out the Move America Forward caravan leaving March 8 for the gathering.

Rolling Thunder will be there. If you want to coordinate something in your state, go here. Hot Air will be there.

Participating Military Blogs

* "Doc" Riojas, HMC (Ret), US Navy SEAL
* 1964 Vietnam 1975
* A Soldier's Mind
* A Soldier's Perspective
* Agent Orange Quilt of Tears
* Americans Working Together
* Archangels and Witticism
* Bill's Bites
* Blue Collar Republican
* Bookworm Room
* Boot Murtha
* Cap Veterans
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* Crosshairs
* Democracy Project
* Dump Turban Durbin
* Ed Lemp's 1st Air Cav
* Euphoric Reality
* Ex-Liberal in Hollywood
* Facts and Substance
* Faes2000
* Flopping Aces
* Free Republic
* God Bless America and Our US Troops
* Grunt Forum
* Gunner's Blog at Armed Forces News Service
* Heart Verses of Faye Sizemore
* Jake's USS Hancock CV/CVA-19 Memorial Brow
* James Hooker
* Jim's Place
* Michael in MI
* Military Retiree Grass Roots Group
* Military Travels
* Mudville Gazette
* My Pet Jawa
* My Tours in Vietnam Class of Feb.67-Sept.68
* Nancy's Tribute to Our Veterans
* News Of The Force
* Noisy Room
* Old Blue Jacket
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* Viper's Vietnam Veterans Pages
* Warchick
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* Wildgun's 11th Cav C Troop

Veterans Groups

* 101st Airborne, 327th Infantry Regiment
* 169th Engineering Battalion, C Co.
* 2/502nd Strike Force Widow Makers
* 3rd Recon Bn/ Vietnam Harborsite
* 604th Transportation Co.
* American Legion MANNY BACON POST 1758
* Army Divers
* Charlie Co, 2nd/28th INF
* Charlie Co, 6th/31st, 9th Infantry
* Delaware Valley Vietnam Veterans
* Docs of the 3/26 Marines
* Fox Co, 2nd BN, 9th Marines
* Gunners Net Old Comrades Association
* K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam
* Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally, Washington DC
* Screaming Eagles 326 ~ 101st AIRBORNE
* Special Forces Association, Chapter 67
* Swift Boat Sailors Association
* The Virtual Wall Vietnam Memorial
* U.S. Veteran's Dispatch Eagle's Nest Message Board
* United American Patriots
* USAF Redhorse CES
* Veterans Wives and Families
* Vietnam Veteran's 9th Infantry Division, 6-31st
* Vietnam Veterans of America, Western Mass. Chapter One-Eleven
* Yankee Air Pirates