D. Maria


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Prayer for America 03/22/06

God, lately I've found myself feeling discouraged about the subtle messages that shape the values of many Americans. They say: If only you had more money, you'd be happier. If only you had more things, you'd be content. If only you bought this or that, you'd be satisfied. If only you climbed the ladder of success, you'd be gratified. If only you would spend more time thinking about yourself, you'd be more cheerful.

There is only one way to combat this philosophy--take time each day to say, "Thanks, God, for a house that keeps me dry in the rain, for a school that teaches my children, for a coat that keeps out the chill, for shoes that protect my toes, and for a grocery store that sells good food." So, God, I'm saying thanks for those things and a million other little things that make life livable, bearable, enjoyable, and magnificent. Amen.