D. Maria


Monday, June 26, 2006

Prayer for America 06/26/06

Dear God, we want to be a generous people. We have seen fellow Americans ride hundreds of miles to raise money for AIDS research, donate tons of food to the hungry, cross oceans to help those hit by natural disasters. We are cheered by the child who empties her piggy bank to give to the homeless family, and we honor the grandfather who walks three days for a cancer foundation.

Help us continue to live in that generous spirit. Inspire us to think more about others' than our own busy schedules or strained budgets. Remind us that to live in this country is to have access to resources few in the world have. Nudge each of us to discover our gifts for giving, that we may extend your love into our world. Help us know when to put our needs second. Remind us of the joy we find in reaching out to those in need. Help us to be a generous people. Amen.