D. Maria


Friday, May 12, 2006

Prayer for America 05/12/06

We are what we are, Lord, and we are Americans. You decree all things, and you decreed that we should be citizens of this noble country.

We’re proud of our country and who we are. Proud of the freedom to do as we please, as long as we do no evil. We appreciate the good things in life and pray only that you save us from the temptations of greed. We’re grateful for the right to speak out and say what we think, as long as we speak the truth. We’re thankful we may praise your name openly and without fear. Though we bow our heads when we come before you, let us hold our hearts high in the eyes of the world. For we are your people custodians of a land created by your hands.

We are what we are, Lord. We’re Americans, and what we ask, we ask from our hearts: God Bless America.